Feature Slideshow

Sekolah Bagus menurut Menteri Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan


Di Indonesia Millenial Summit 2019, Menteri Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan Pak Nadiem Makairim mengatakan bahwa ciri-ciri sekolah terbaik di Indonesia adalah sekolah yang mempunyai:

➡️Culture of Learning

Ø  ➡️Culture of Innovation

Murid-murid dari sekolah yang mengadopsi kultur tersebut lebih banyak BERTANYA, MENCOBA dan BERKARYA!

Ketika ada Psychological Safety (anak berani gagal) dan partisipasi aktif dalam pembelajaran, itulah waktu anak benar-benar BELAJAR!

Masyarakat dipanggil untuk sama-sama memperbaiki kultur belajar Indonesia melalui pengembangan Growth Mindset Edukasi 4.0 dalam program MERDEKA BELAJAR oleh Bp. Menteri Pendidikan Nadiem Makarim.

Australian School is on the right track!

Digital Curriculum - Collaborative Learning - Creative - Practical

How to Celebrate Grandparents Day during COVID-19 outbreak

Korean grandpa artist taking over Instagram | | Al Jazeera

During the pandemic happening, many of us are distancing ourselves from social interactions. The elderly must be extra wary and maintain their health due to their age and their declining immune system. Some grandparents live with one of their families while others live alone or in a home.

Our national Grandparents Day is coming soon! Let's use this moment to build closeness with our elders! Here are some activities that you can do to celebrate Grandparents Day while still practicing social distancing during the COVID19 outbreak.

- Report Progress -

8 video messaging apps to download if you are self-isolating | London  Evening Standard

Grandparents and grandkids have a special relationship. They love to hear about their grandkids' success and activities! Encourage your child to contact their grandparents to talk about what they do at home or in school! We can use phone call, Skype, Whatsapp and other online tools to call them! 


- Throwback to the Past- 

Photographs | National Library of New Zealand

Some grandparents love to tell stories about their lives when they were younger and perhaps impart a few tiny life advises for the young ones, you may also use the sheet below for your child to interview their grandparents.

(Kindergarten 2 and above)


- Story Telling - 

Hakuun Grandparents Talking to Relative Over liittyviä  arkistovideomateriaaleja (rojaltivapaa) 1020255886 | Shutterstock

Many grandparents excel at reading books aloud to kids or vice versa! Let your child read a story for their grandparents! They are sure to be very proud of their grandkids' abilities!

- Create a Gift - 

Some keepsakes would be wonderful to give to grandparents. Create some simple gifts for them such as: 
A Written Work:
1. Letter
You may use the template below. (Kindergarten 2 and above)
A Printable Fill-in Letter for Grandma | Worksheets & Printables |  Scholastic | Parents
2. Biography
High School Students (Year 7 - 12) might want to dedicate a biography about their grandparents. It also serves as a great bonding time!
3. Story
Recollecting the past activities done together or simply making a new fiction about grandpa/ grandma is a creative way to show how much they know or remember about their grandparents!
A Song/ Singing Video
Good at singing? Maybe you could try singing them a song! Choose from their all time favourites or sing in their local dialect! That's a one of a kind performance that is bound to be shown at family reunions!
Haha!! Good exasperated video creation... - Jenn Butterworth
Side Effects of Covid-19 Include Making Us Sing. That's a Good Thing. | by  David Hinckley | The Culture Corner | Medium 
Paint/ Draw a Portrait
A picture can paint a thousand words. Well, go for it! They might be in a treat to see how their grankids sees them. 
My grandma teaching me to paint. | Download Scientific Diagram 
Grandma and Me Directed Drawing Art Class | Small Online Class for Ages  6-11 | Outschool 
The Cinnamon Rabbit: For Our Grandmas 

Create a Collage!
Make a Card
 The simplest way to show how much you care!

grandparents day gift ideas - card | Grandparents day gifts, Grandparents  day crafts, Father's day diy
Colour a Picture
Can't think of anything to write? Not good with drawing? No worries, you could choose to colour some printables!
Happy Grandparents Day With Dog Cat Love coloring pages 

A little extra before we all get ready for this special day, here are some ideas of what you (parents) can prepare as gifts for Grandparents Day!

Framed Outdoor Picture
Cell phone check, chalk board, chalk and dressed up kids, CHECK! That's all you need to take this heart warming picture.

I Love Grandma Printable Chalkboard Sign Baby Photo Prop image 0 
 Get some magnets. Prepare some pictures with your children/ nieces/ nephews holding a white paper. Print it out as big as you want it to be. Spell GRANDMA/ Grandma's name with all the white papers. Laminate and paste the magnet with a glue gun. Talk about creative!
fridge magnets for Mother's Day
Personalized Plates
This would be a great gift for grandparents! The Unique drawing or writing style would serve as a good memory of their little grandchildren.

Picture in Picture Frame
How cool is this? All the female generations in one picture! You can turn it into a family generation picture too! And it only cost a frame!
So, let's hear it for grandparents! Are grandparents important in your family life? What will you and your children do to celebrate Grandparents Day this year? Let us know/ tag us on our Facebook Page or our Instagram!

Hari Olahraga Nasional 2020

How to stay active if you're staying at home

Di masa pandemik seperti ini, sangat penting untuk menanamkan pentingnya berolahraga kepda anak -anak. Anak yang menyukai olahraga juga dapat mendapat ilmu tentang kedisiplinan dan juga kepemimpinan. Berapa pun usia anda, bukti ilmiah membuktikan bahwa aktivitas fisik dapat membuat anda memiliki tubuh yang lebih sehat dan bahagia.


Kids, social distancing and face masks to fight COVID-19 in school and day  care centers - Chicago Tribune

Meskipun dalam kondisi pandemik dan di terapkannya New Normal, olahraga merupakan hal yang juga tak boleh dilupakan. Bahkan, olahraga dapat membantu kita dalam menjaga tubuh tetap dalam kondisi yang prima. Daya tahan tubuh yang kuat dapat menangkal berbagai macam virus dan penyakit. Mempunyai daya tahan tubuh yang kuat sangat penting di masa pandemik seperti sekarang. 


Why Outdoor Exercise Is Great for the Whole Family | ACTIVEkids

Dianjurkan untuk berolahraga kurang lebih 15 sampai 30 menit di luar ruangan agar terpapar sinar matahari yang bermanfaat menjaga sistem kekebalan tubuh manusia.


Tips to Get Kids Started With Running - HealthyWomen

Melakukan gerakan-gerakan ringan seperti berlari kecil di sekeliling rumah ataupun komplek perumahan anda, sudah sangat membantu membebaskan anda dari risiko penyakit ataupun virus covid-19. 


  10 Reasons to Start Cycling with Your Kids! - We Love Cycling magazine

Bersepeda juga merupakan alternative lain untuk kita yang ingin berolahraga sedikit lebih berat. Di Jakarta sendiri bersepeda menjadi trend positif baik tua maupun yang muda.

Olahraga selama pandemik juga bisa dilakukan tanpa harus keluar dari rumah. Berikut adalah ide melakukan olahraga sederhana dalam rumah bersama keluarga :

      - Aerobik mengikuti video

                             Little Tikes Play Like a Pro Basketball Set - Walmart.com - Walmart.com

-Bermain basket dalam rumah


Family yoga in Nashville | Donna Murphy | PURE Living Nashville 
- Melakukan yoga bersama

    Tips diatas hanya beberapa dari berbagai macam aktifitas keolahragaan yang dapat diterapkan di dalam rumah. Disisi lain, tanpa disadari kita mau tidak mau harus menerapkan pola hidup sehat dan bersih. Semoga kita dapat mengambil pelajaran dari masa pandemik Covid 19. 

                           Logo Haornas 2020, Simak Arti Bentuk dan Setiap Warna - Bola Liputan6.com

                               Selamat Hari Olahraga Nasional!!

                                     Selamat berolahraga!